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Selain Binomo, Ini Daftar 218 Investasi Bodong dan PBK yang Diblokir Pemerintah

Kamis, 21 April 2022 / 14:40 WIB
Selain Binomo, Ini Daftar 218 Investasi Bodong dan PBK yang Diblokir Pemerintah
ILUSTRASI. Binomo dan investasi bodong lainnya yang diblokir pemerintah.

Penulis: Virdita Ratriani

KONTAN.CO.ID -Jakarta. Kementerian Perdagangan melalui Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (Bappebti) memblokir 218 entitas di bidang Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (PBK) atau investasi bodong selama Januari–Maret 2022. 

Pemblokiran dilakukan bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika. Pemblokiran meliputi alamat website entitas investasi bodong, akun Telegram, Facebook, Instagram, maupun di aplikasi AppStore. 

Kepala Biro Peraturan Perundang-undangan dan Penindakan Aldison menegaskan, setiap pihak yang melakukan kegiatan perdagangan berjangka di Indonesia wajib memiliki izin dari Bappebti.

Serta tunduk dan patuh pada ketentuan peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku di Indonesia. "Meskipun mengaku memiliki legalitas dari regulator luar negeri, melakukan penawaran di bidang perdagangan berjangka tetap diwajibkan memiliki izin dari Bappebti,” katanya dikutip dari laman resmi Kementerian Perdagangan (20/4/2022).

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Aldison juga mengingatkan, berinvestasi di pialang berjangka yang tidak memiliki izin dari Bappebti sangat berisiko bagi masyarakat. 

Bappebti selaku regulator tidak dapat memfasilitasi investor dalam rangka melakukan mediasi apabila terjadi perselisihan (dispute) antara investor dengan entitas tak berizin tersebut.

Selain itu, Bappebti tidak dapat memastikan integritas pengurus dan integritas keuangan dari entitas tersebut. Dana yang disetorkan sebagai modal investasi juga tidak dapat dijamin keamanannya karena tidak menggunakan rekening terpisah (segregated account) yang disetujui Bappebti.

“Sebelum memutuskan untuk berinvestasi, ketahui terlebih dahulu profil dan legalitas pelaku usaha di bidang PBK dengan cara mengakses website resmi Bappebti di tautan https://www.bappebti.go.id,” tandas Aldison. 

Baca Juga: Investasi Ilegal Berkedok Komoditi Berjangka Marak

Daftar investasi bodong dan perdagangan berjangka komoditi yang diblokir pemerintah

  1. Binomo Investasi, website https://t.me/BINOMO98
  2. CV-JMI, website https://www.cv-jmi.com/?m=1
  3. Exness, website https://www.my-exness.trading/
  4. Exness, website https://www.exness-fx.site/
  5. Exness, website https://exnesstraders.com/id/
  6. Exness, website  https://exness1.org/
  7. Exness, website https://www.exnessindo.id/
  8. FBS, website https://indfbsbroker.com/
  9. FBS, website https://fbs-affiliate.com/global/id/
  10. Fidelcrest, website https://fidelcrest.com/
  11. Fin888, website https://fin888robotku.com
  12. Fin888, website https://lpteams.com/fin888
  13. Fin888, website https://fin888.biz
  14. Fin888, website https://fincopy.trade
  15. Forex Investasi Indonesia, website  https://t.me/FOREX_OJK
  16. Forex Trader Investasi, website  https://t.me/Forex_wijaya
  17. FX View, website https://fxview.com/
  18. ihub global, website https://ihub.global
  19. Inacoin, website http://bitcoin-inacoin.blogspot.com/p/blogpage.html
  20. Indodax Platform Investasi, website https://t.me/indodax40
  21. K-trade, website https://www.k-trade.link/
  22. Legacy Fx, website https://int.legacyfx.com/
  23. Luno Indonesia Official, website https://t.me/Lunoindonesiaa
  24. Luno Investasi Titip Dana, website https://t.me/lunoindonesiaz
  25. Luno Investment, website https://t.me/lunocs
  26. Nadex, website https://www.nadex.com/
  27. NordFx, website https://id.nordfxpartners.com
  28. NordFx, website https://nordfx.id
  29. NordFx, website https://nordfxeu.com
  30. NordFx, website https://nordfx-indo.com
  31. OctaFx, website https://www.octafx.services/
  32. Pintu Investasi, website https://t.me/PINTUINVESTASI10
  33. Pintu Investasi Titip Dana https://t.me/pintu_real
  34. PT Danareksa Investment, website https://t.me./cs_Danareksa
  35. PT HSBC Investasi, website https://t.me/AHMAD_BAKRI
  36. PT Investasi Bank, website https://t.me/ChatAdminInvestasi
  37. PT Luno Indonesia Ltd, website https://t.me/pt_lunoindonesia_ltd
  38. PT OSO Manajemen Investasi, website  https://t.me/PT_OSO_GROUB_INVESTASI
  39. PT Pintu Kemana Aja, website https://t.me/pintu_aja
  40. PT Upbit Exchange Indonesia, website https://t.me/ALEXDEPPORA
  41. Real Forex Traders, website https://t.me/forex_cryptocurrency_traders111
  42. S9 Miners, website https://s9miners.org/
  43. Saham Trading Indonesia, website https://t.me/sahamtradingindonesia
  44. Samtrade Fx , website https://id.samtrdefx.com
  45. Samtrade Fx, website https://samtradeindonesia.com
  46. Silent Trader Academy, website  https://t.me/omsilentinvestasi
  47. Strategi Forex, Forex Investasi, website https://t.me/forexinvestasiFs
  48. Toko Crypto Investasi, website https://t.me/tokocrypto_invs
  49. Trader Forex Millionairee, website https://t.me/tradermilioneer
  50. Trader Investor Mudah, website  mysuper.link/@trederinvestormudah
  51. Upbit Investasi Reksadana, website http://t.me/Ceo_Upbit1
  52. Voblast https://voblast.com
  53. Weltrade https://brokerterbaik.cc/
  54. Wincash Coin https://wincashcoin.io/
  55. WX-Coin http://wxc-lukmanhluk.blogspot.com/
  56. WX-Coin http://wx-coin.blogspot.com/
  57. WX-Coin http://wxcoinnusantara.blogspot.com/
  58. WX-Coin http://wxc-suheri.blogspot.com/
  59. WX-Coin https://wxcoin-indonesia.blogspot.com/
  60. XM https://www.xmglobal.site/
  61. Zenix https://zenix.id
  62. Duplikasi Zipmex Indonesia https://t.me/ZipmexIndonesia2
  63. Duplikasi PT Asia Trade Futures https://www.asiatradefx.top
  64. Duplikasi PT Didi Max Berjangka https://t.me/pt_didimax_berjangka
  65. Duplikasi PT Aset Digital Berkat https://t.me/TeguhkuriawanCO
  66. Duplikasi PT Aset Digital Berkat https://t.me/cooharmanda
  67. Duplikasi PT Aset Digital Berkat https://t.me/Linggalingga
  68. Duplikasi PT Aset Digital Berkat https://t.me/Tokocrypto_Official_Investasi
  69. Accuindex https://accuindex.com
  70. Amarkets https://amarketsforex.co
  71. Amarkets https://amarkets-id.com
  72. ATG 5.0 https://autotradegoldsolo.click/
  73. ATG 5.0 http://atgcommunity.co.id/
  74. ATG 5.0 https://atg.id/
  75. ATG 5.0 https://atg.expert/
  76. ATG 5.0 https://atg5community.com/
  77. ATG 5.0 https://atg-official.id/
  78. ATG 5.0 https://atg5.co.id/
  79. ATG 5.0 https://autotrade-gold.co.id/
  80. ATG 5.0 https://atgnetwork.id/atg-5-0/
  81. ATG 5.0 https://robotrading.info/
  82. Aximtrade https://aximindonesia.com
  83. Best Trade System https://cryptobotnetwork.com/
  84. BFX Insta https://bfxinsta.site/
  85. BFX Rebate https://bfxrebate.link
  86. Binarycent https://www.binarycent.com/
  87. Binarycent https://binarycent.top/id/
  88. BumiFx https://www.bumifx.online/
  89. Duplikasi PT Handal Semesta Berjangka https://hsbforex.trade/
  90. Duplikasi PT Monex Investindo Futures https://t.me/MONEXINVESTINDO
  91. Everest CM https://everestcm.com/
  92. Exclusive Markets https://exclusivemarkets.com/en/
  93. Exness https://exnesstrade.direct
  94. Exness https://exness.brokerexness.com/?m=0
  95. Exness https://extradingindonesia.com
  96. Exness https://exness-indonesia.site
  97. Expert Option https://expertoptionclub.com/
  98. FBS https://fbsindbroker.com/
  99. FirewoodFx https://fwfxindo.com
  100. ForexMart https://fxmartlive.com/
  101. Forexvox https://www.forexvox.com/en/
  102. Forexvox https://www.forexvox.io/id/rumah
  103. FTX https://ftx.com/
  104. FTX https://t.me/FTX_Indonesia
  105. Fx Optimax http://www.fxoptimaxsea.com/
  106. FX Primus https://www.myprimusmarkets.com/idn/
  107. FXCL https://fxclmarket.top
  108. FXCL https://fxclearingindonesian.com
  109. FXTM https://fxtm-id.site
  110. FXTM https://indonesiatraderfx.com/
  111. Ijol Pedian https://www.ijolpedian.com/
  112. Infinox https://myinfinox.infinox-asia.com/en/login
  113. Infinox https://partners.infinox.id/login?next=%2F
  114. Infinox https://www.infinox.id/fsc/id
  115. Infinox https://www.infinoxpartners.com/id
  116. Instaforex https://instaforex.id
  117. Instaforex https://instaforexindonesiaifxxx.com
  118. Iq Option https://broker-iqoption.com/
  119. Juno Markets https://www.junomarkets.info/en/
  120. Justforex https://justforex-idn.com/id
  121. King Salmanan Quotex https://t.me/donisalmanan_id0
  122. Legacy Fx https://int.legacyfx.com
  123. Lirunex https://lirunex.com/
  124. M4Markets https://www.m4markets.id/id/
  125. MFX Trader Forex https://t.me/mfxtradingforex
  126. OctaFx https://octamarkets.world/landing/earn-more/
  127. OctaFx https://www.octaidn.info/
  128. Opson http://www.opsontechfa.com/
  129. Opson https://twcav.com/#/user/login
  130. Oxtrade https://flyoxtrade.com/m
  131. Oxtrade https://joinoxtrade.com
  132. Oxtrade https://oxtrade.cc/
  133. Oxtrade https://oxtrade.me
  134. Oxtrade https://oxtradeforex.com
  135. Oxtrade https://oxtradefx.com/m
  136. Oxtrade https://oxtradelogin.me
  137. Oxtrade https://oxtradetrading.co
  138. Oxtrade https://oxtrade-trading.co
  139. Oxtrade https://oxtradewin.com
  140. Oxtrade https://trading-oxtrade.co
  141. Penipuan berkedok PBK https://t.me/AJI_PANGESTU2
  142. Pocket Option https://po.trade/en
  143. Pocket Option https://pocketoptionblog.com/id/
  144. Pocket Option https://pocketoptionclub.com/id/
  145. Pocket Option https://pocketoptiontrader.com/
  146. Pundi Trade http://www.punditrade.com/
  147. Quotex http://quotex-brokers.online/
  148. Quotex https://quotexblog.com/id/
  149. Quotex https://quotexwiki.com/id/
  150. Spectre https://spectrewiki.com/
  151. Spectre https://www.spectrebinaryoptions.com/
  152. Spectre https://www.spectreindonesia.com/
  153. Spectre https://spectre-ai.org
  154. Telegram Traxindo https://t.me/traxindotrader
  155. Tickmill https://tickmill-id.com/
  156. Triumph FX https://www.tfxi.sc/id
  157. Weltrade https://weltrade.cc
  158. Weltrade https://weltrade.promo/
  159. Wetrade https://wetradeid.com/
  160. Windsorbrokers https://en.windsorbrokers.eu/
  161. XM https://www.xmdirect.net/
  162. XM https://xm-en.e-life24.com
  163. XM https://xtradingfx.com
  164. Xtream Forex https://www.xtreamforex.com/
  165. Binomo https://binomo-finance.com/
  166. Instaforex https://ifxdirect.net
  167. MRG Trade https://www.mrg-idn.com/
  168. Deriv https://deriv.com/
  169. Instaforex https://instabagus.cc
  170. Forex4you https://www.forex4uid.com/
  171. Zfx https://indonesia-zfx.com
  172. Panthera Trade https://live.pantheratrade.tech/Defaultbeta.aspx
  173. ATG 5.0 https://atg-system.com/login
  174. Duplikasi PT Trijaya Pratama Futures https://xtb668.com

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